GI Value Solution
Small Bowel Enteroscope

PENTAX Medical is an established leading provider of gastrointestinal endoscopy products designed to meet a wide range of clinical and economic needs.




DEC™ Video Duodenoscope ED34‑i10T2

Maximize infection prevention, reduce risk. Reliable therapeutic performance. Reprocessing operational efficiency.

ED34‑i10T Video Duodenoscope

Outstanding HD+ image quality. Redesigned ergonomic elevator. Improved distal-end access for cleaning and reprocessing.

90K Series Video Duodenoscopes

Exceptional high-resolution imaging. Proven ergonomic design. Established quality.



G‑EYE® Video Endoscopes

Enhancing detection capabilities. Eliminating bowel slippage. Improved visualisation. Faster and more controlled intervention.

RetroView™ Colonoscopes EC34‑i10T

Optimal therapeutic approach. Enhanced visualization. Ergonomically designed to improve operator and patient comfo.


UltraSlim EC‑2990i Video Colonoscope

Improved completion rates. Retroflexion for maximum maneuverability. Improved patient comfort.


MagniView EC‑3890Zi Video Colonoscope

Powerful magnification. Excellent imaging. Full functionality and ergonomic design.

SCOPEPILOT ‑ The next generation 3D colon navigation system

True 3D responsive image. Advanced orientation. Comprehensive colonoscopy solution.

GI Value Solution & Small Bowel Enteroscope

NaviAid™ AB Advancing Balloon

On demand usage. Fast and easy ileoscopy and upper enteroscopy procedures. Enabling rapid, safe intubation.

GI Value Solution

Optimal due to the outstanding possibility to combine the next generation endocopes. Economically efficient due to first class ratio and quality. The solution to satisfy the needs of your daily routine work.

90i Series Video Small Bowel Enteroscopes

Excellent HD+ megapixel resolution image quality. Proven ergonomic design. Established quality.